Which Conditions can Massage Therapy Treat?When you are suffering from a mental or a physical health condition, your level of productivity will be affected negatively. The duties you normally carry out with ease now becomes too difficult and if this goes on, people will begin to ask questions.
Massage therapy is one of the most effective non-medicinal treatment options for conditions such as high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, stress, and various pains. It also aids in the relaxation of muscles, enhances motion, and raises the level of endorphins, all which aids in recovery from health issues. Regardless of your health status, massage is beneficial. There are health issues, however, that you can effectively reduce or treat using massage. Here are some of these conditions: Pain If you suffer from pain as a result of a surgery, sporting activity or any chronic health condition, massage will help you to relax and in doing this, the level of pain will reduce greatly. According to the available research, massage can effectively treat lower back pain, headaches, and stiffness of muscles. As the massage therapy works on your body, the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients will get better and as a result, the body will begin to naturally heal itself. Migraines and Headaches There are various issues that lead to headaches such as fatigue, stress, tension, and other health complications. When you get a massage, it will ease up the tension or pain and as this continues, you’ll discover that the migraine is greatly reduced or completely healed. You will be more relaxed and will get better sleep after the massage and when you get up, your health will have greatly improved. Different Forms of Cancer When you discover that you have cancer, you will go through a lot of stress and anxiety even after treatment. Getting a massage after your cancer treatment will aid in relaxing your muscle tissues and enhance lymphatic flow. It will also ease the pain, fatigue, insomnia, and the nausea you experience after your cancer treatment. As a cancer survivor, you need all the love and care that you can get to help you recover. The soft and careful touches during a massage will lift your spirit and help you to feel better about yourself regardless of what you are going through. This feel-good state will speed up your recovery compared to a person that will lock himself away as he waits for the next chemotherapy session. If you or your loved one suffer from cancer, the essential oils the massage therapist will use for your massage will help in relieving pain, anxiety or any other symptom associated with the condition. The massage therapist will use less pressure during the massage especially in the sensitive areas as a result of the treatment. This will help in ensuring that you remain comfortable during the massage and achieve the gains you desire. During the massage, you have a right to speak up if you feel uncomfortable or you feel that the massage therapist is using too much pressure. Repetitive Injuries If you are among the people that suffer from one injury after the other, getting massage will help in reducing the frequency. The repetitive injuries could be as a result of overusing certain muscles, your posture or even lifting heavy objects. When you get a professional massage, your muscles will be strengthened which will greatly help in reducing future injuries. Massage will also help in relieving pain from an injury and speeding up the recovery process. Stress and Anxiety Most of the people that go for massage therapy do so in an effort to get rid of the accumulated stress. The huge responsibilities they have to undertake every day from home to the office is overwhelming and if nothing is done, stress will set in. massage will help to lower the level of cortisol hormone and increase the level of serotonin and dopamine hormones. Joint Stiffness If you suffer from arthritis, it is not unusual to feel stiffness in your joints which will make it hard for you to move around. Getting a massage will help in restoring flexibility in your joints and also provide some relief from arthritis pain. Allergies Some forms of allergies are usually as a result of poor lymph flow. When you get a massage, it will facilitate the flow of blood and nutrients in all parts of the body and through this, you will overcome your allergies. The massage therapist knows the best massage techniques that will aid in reducing allergic symptoms. These are not the only health issues that massage can treat. All you need is to get a good spa where the massage therapist knows the right massage technique for each condition. He has received the right training on how to provide safe massage whether you suffer from a disability, injury or an illness. Points to Remember… It is important to inform your massage therapist if you are taking any medications for your health condition. Some of the common prescriptions medications such as beta blockers, narcotic pain medications, muscle relaxants, and diuretics, among others are contraindicated for massage. The massage therapist will either reschedule your massage or change the massage technique. Though massage will benefit people that suffer from certain health issues, there are conditions that would not allow you to have a massage. For instance, if you suffer from fever, contagious ailments, skin diseases, neuritis, or you are recovering from a recent operation, the massage therapist will postpone your massage until you are completely healed. It would also not be right to go for a massage if you have an undiagnosed pain, lump or bump, sunburn, bruises, cuts or varicose veins, among other conditions Before the massage therapist can schedule your appointment, he will ask if you suffer from any health issue and are taking and any medications you may be taking. You have an obligation to tell the truth if you want to get maximum benefits from the massage and not suffer from any side effects. Check out our home page at: The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield |