Does Massage Actually Help?Absolutely! Massage has been shown when done properly following the proper instructions of the massage therapist can work at treating various problems clients seek our help on.
Stressed? Come talk to one of our Massage Therapist's, Massage Therapy is highly effective at treating massage as one step in the process. That being said it goes without saying that if you do not solve the root causes, it can only be as effective as you want it to be. Back Pain? We have several clients per day that come to us for help on easing back pain. This usually takes several treatments to become the most effective, but talk to one of our LMT's to discuss your treatment plan for relief. Some research has also concluded that massage is effective in the fight against muscle cramps. It has been used in some strokes for relief of sores and muscle cramps. Massage therapy is also known to be good in the treatment of back pain, arthritic conditions, neck pain, and arthritis. The back is stressed by improper posture, the circulation is impaired, and because of this sensually, massage therapy has been used in the treatment of arthritis. This technique is also used in physical therapy, and is sometimes used as the first session of treatment. Is massage safe for the elderly? Massage therapy is absolutely safe for the elderly. Although massage therapy is safe for the elderly, it is still important that you choose a good therapist. Choose someone who has experience in massage therapy, and someone who has experience in giving massage therapy. In the end we always recommend you consult one of our licensed massage therapist's at The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield for further information on your specific needs. The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield |