Massage InfoWhat benefits does massage offer? Massage appears to offer many benefits to the body both in the moment or over a period of time. Studies have shown that massage can be helpful in relieving rush of emotions, reducing stress, decreasing fatigue, clearing away aches and pains, relaxing muscles and calming nerves. Both dry and moist massages can be helpful in achieving these benefits.
An estimated 100 million Americans rely on at least one type of massage therapy. Massage therapy, when performed properly, can prolong life and keep the muscles, joints, and soft tissue functions of the body healthy and strong. How does massage work? Massage Therapy: 1. Understanding Persons who receive massage therapy develop a feeling of relaxation, calm, peace, gladness, and comfort. The act of massage loosens tense and sore muscles, stimulates circulation, increases oxygenation of the body, and can decrease irritability, anger, and fatigue. Its relaxant effect can be attributed to achieving a state of internal balance. Massage increases blood flow and can relieve chest congestion and flu. 2. Delicacies The body feels relaxed and balanced after massage. Some people may experience a sense of intoxicated relaxation, a sense of relief from muscle pain, or a numbing, calm sensation. Some persons may even feel tranquil. 3. Medicines Massage can be a helpful aspect of maintaining health with different types of massage therapy. Studies have shown that the connective tissue of the body is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and vital compounds. Working in different ways, massage can keep some parts of the body healthy and others unhealthy. Certain massage techniques can make some people healthier and can relieve pain, improve circulation, and reduce spasms. 4. Psychological Benefits of Massage Massage has elements that can boost mental illness and weaken it. Stress is the major factor that leads to disease in the body. With the right massage, some of the body's systems can be lulled into a state of relaxation that relieves individuals of pain and toxic material. Stress is reduction by massage. Other benefits include relaxation, sleep, and clearing the mind. Stress is the underlying factor that is the cause of disease in the body. Massage can be the supplement to disease prevention, especially in dealing with difficult people. The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield |