Myths of MassageLet's take a look at what is massage therapy, the myths, the benefits and the method of application. Massage therapy is a way to make the body and the muscles relax. By pushing stimulate the nerves vital to health and well being of the body, massage therapist hope that will lead to better health to the patient.
The release of endorphins in the body aids in relaxation, and an effective massage can result to a sense of euphoria. A therapist can help a person relax by putting pressure on certain points on the body. The pressure adds balance to the body and assists in reducing stress, aches, and pains. Massage therapy aims to help mobility, to keep the body connected to the environment, and to release tensions and stresses. Massage therapy removes digested food from the intestinal tract so that the process of digestion can continue. When a therapist massages, they use different pressure techniques and points on the body. Basically, the points prefer to be stimulated, relaxed, and stimulated. The points assist in improving circulation. Proper blood flow enhances and regulates metabolism, which in turn gives us energy. Another point is that the stress glands are affected by massage, thus, promoting relaxation in the body. One very effective massage therapy technique that can be effectively used to treat back pain is called reflexology. reflexology involves applying pressure to the body's specific points using the thumb and forefinger on each hand. These pressure points are called "fibrous." There are certain points on the body's surface that when pressure is placed on them, that will stimulate the body's particular reflex. Reflexology has been practiced for thousands of years in many parts of the world. Massage Therapy is similar to reflexology. Both involve applying pressure to specific points on the body. Both relaxation techniques benefit from the body's natural ability to heal itself. Both allow us to experience relaxation which is one of the benefits of massage. In addition to relaxation, massage can bring benefits to the skin such as toning the skin, improving blood circulation, warming, reducing inflammation, and improving circulation. Whilst massage would be effective for a general improvement in health, it is more likely to be of benefit to certain groups of people. For example, as mentioned above, pregnant women, people with back problems or problems that involve certain joints, the elderly, and people recovering from surgery are some of those most highly benefit by massage therapy. The use of massage therapy was and still is a way to help heal the somatic body, improve mental focus, remove blockages from the meridians of the body, stimulate adebitalization (wheeling out of fatigue and stiffness), and invigorate closed internally - with the body, mind, and spirit functioning internally and externally. The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield Massage therapy is an alternative therapy, which brings benefit both to the body and to the mind. There has been a growing move away from the "Western" approach towards more herbal and aromatherapy based approaches. So called " Western" therapy has been shown to be ineffective, may fizzle out, and can even stimulate symptoms. The use of massages in massage therapy can be considered more of a form of aromatherapy, which is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine. |