Pregnancy MassageCan I get a massage while pregnant?Getting a massage will help to enhance your health, relieve body pains, and reduce stress, among other benefits. However, when it comes to pregnancy massage, some people claim it is beneficial while others claim that it will put the life of the unborn child at risk.
Based on the recent research prenatal massage is beneficial especially when it is carried out by a professional massage therapist. As a pregnant woman, you deserve a massage just like any other person. The main issue is, ‘when is the right time to have a pregnancy massage?’ Your doctor is the best person to determine if it is right for you to have a massage in the first, second or third trimester. Once you get the go-ahead, you need to get the right massage therapist who is trained to carry out a pregnancy massage. Who will carry out the massage? When choosing a pregnancy massage therapist:
Though there are different massage techniques, the choices are limited when pregnant. The massage techniques that the massage therapist chooses should meet your needs. Here are some of the massage techniques that may be used on you:
When is the right time to have a pregnancy massage? Due to the high risk of suffering from a miscarriage during the first trimester, most medical professionals recommend that you wait until the second trimester to have a massage. Even at this, you should seek the opinion of your doctor before getting the massage. What is the best position during the massage? As a pregnant woman, the position you will be on during the massage is a limiting factor. From 20-24 weeks, you will not be able to lie flat on your back. If you do, you’ll most likely suffer from dizziness as the blood supply will be interrupted. The most appropriate position when having a pregnancy massage is lying on your side. You will be able to ensure for longer in this position. It will also make it easier for the massage therapist to work on you without exposing your unborn child to any harm. You should, however, not be limited to the side-lying position. If there is a position that works for you, your massage therapist should help you. Why should you have a pregnancy massage? Here are some of the pregnancy-related complications that will be greatly reduced by getting a massage: Migraines or headaches Due to hormonal changes, stress or tension on your head, neck, and shoulders, you may suffer from a migraine or a headache. Getting a massage will get rid of the tension and, in turn, the headache will disappear. Sciatica As your unborn child continues to grow, you may suffer from sciatic pain at the back of your thigh, on the lower part of your leg, and at the sole of your feet. When a massage therapist carries out a gentle massage on these body parts, the nerve will be released and this will ease the pain. Stretch marks As your baby grows, he will stretch your skin, making it tight which leads to stretchmark. Getting a massage from a professional who’ll use some nourishing oil will soothe your skin and reduces the appearance of stretch marks. Your massage therapist knows the essential oils that cannot be used during pregnancy. Circulation When you get a pregnancy massage, the circulation of blood, nutrients, and oxygen in your body will improve. This will ensure that every part of the body gets enough nutrients which will be beneficial to your unborn child. Pregnancy heartburn Your digestive system will be affected by pregnancy and this may lead to unceasing heartburn. Added with the stress that pregnancy brings, the heartburn will get worse. Being massaged by a professional will help in getting reducing the stress and this will reduce the intensity of the heartburn. Backache Your posture will get affected as your pregnancy grows and this will lead to pains in the lower back. Getting a massage loosens the tight muscles and this will release the tension in your back region. With this, the back pains will be greatly reduced. When should I NOT get a pregnancy massage?
Nothing will feel as good as having a massage therapist pamper your body. You will feel appreciated and loved and with this, you will be able to overcome all the stress. Book your appointment today and you’ll be glad you did! The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield |