Should Massage Hurt?That is a difficult answer. If you go for a massage and want a Swedish or relaxation massage then the answer is no. If however you have back pain or injuries that need to be worked out there are times when the massage can begin to hurt. The Massage Therapist is working out areas that already have you in pain so therefore through movement pain can be caused. Those people that have experience that pain because of a car accident or slip and fall know that the massage therapist is helping and will feel better afterwards.
Massage is an effective treatment for muscles relaxations, soreness, strain and many other muscle related problems. The combination of aroma oils, body movement, movement and pressure creates an optimal environment for us to receive benefits and improve our health. Often a massage therapist will use a special foam that helps alleviate pain and stiffness associated with muscles. Some are even able to work directly with your body to provide therapeutic benefits you may be unaware of. If you need a deep tissue massage make sure the massage therapist is trained and experience in that area of massage as it can be a difficult trait to learn. The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield |