Studies of the Benefits of MassageFor many, the relief of stress, the ability to relax, and the control of pain are essential components of massage. During treatment many of my clients have reported Acupressure points that help them relieve pain.
Acupressure literally puts your body in control. Points are placed on specific areas of your body that, when pressed, will bring you greater relaxation. It is important to find a licensed acupressure therapist who has a great feel for touch and who specializes in your specific areas. Massage Therapy is safe, effective and versus traditional medication It has been known to help with: Pain management, Sleep disorders, Depression, Menopause, Fatigue, Neck and back pain, and/or Stress and tension. Acupressure points help relieve pain by: -- Relaxing the mind, -- Relaxing the muscles, -- Relaxing the entire body. Massage may be helpful for: -- Anxiety, -- Depression, -- Fever, -- Infections, -- Inflammation, -- Pain, and/or -- Stress and tension. Acupressure points can help you: -- drifting in and out of sleep, -- dealing with severe dental pain, -- releasing tension and pain, and -- reducing stress. Massage may be helpful for: -- alignment, -- stress and tension, -- discomfort, and -- pain relief. Acupressure points are: -- Pressure points between thumb and forefinger, under the desk, on the top of the head, under the upper lip, behind the upper teeth, under the upper eyelids, at the bridge of the nose, bottom of the neck, under the upper ballroom stairs, behind the back, bottom of the back, thighs, below the - open hands, under the knees, in the driveway, under the buttocks, under the stomach, knees, and all areas where there is muscle contraction. Acupressure Points may be stimulated by pressing the tips of your fingers into the points. You may also stimulate the points by raising your arms over your head and moving your fingers in front of your body. Find the points that are closest to each other, according to your pain; relax those that are further away, according to your discomfort. Stretch out those that are tight. Tight muscles correspond to tight nerves, which can cause numbness. releases tension. relax tight muscles. increase circulation to the area. increase moisture to the area. stimulate circulation to other areas. prevent stagnant circulation (like putting a hot diaper on a cold baby). reduce swelling (fever). prevent spasms of the tissues (stiffness, inflammation, iron deficiency, pinched nerves). bone aches. insomnia. menstrual cramps. sciatica. SPoadment, or the inability to relax, may be brought on by exertion, anxiety, fatigue, overexertion, or excessive work. When this happens, say "no", to everything. Trap your neck and shoulders into your arms by lifting your off-balance, toward-your-tics, wrists and hands. boundary laxity, or inability to control the muscles. If you are on your feet all day, and you find that you cannot lock your weight in the office chair, you are going to be exhausted at the end of the day, and you will probably be in a hurry to the bathroom, starving for relief. While sitting in the salon, it is impossible to be totally still, so you will usually pant or cringe when you think about painting, and you will likely not be able to concentrate to achieve great results. The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield |