Studies of the Benefits of MassageFor many, the treatment of stress, pain and tension is simple and soothing. Tenderness is an immediate response to an unpleasant or stressful situation. This kind of positive affect is enjoyed by many and proven to be a valuable stress reliever. Yoga is a particularly beneficial treatment. It is inexpensive and can fit into any schedule. Most people are able to participate in a yoga class, which can then be incorporated into their daily routine. Yoga promotes emotional and physical well being, while improving flexibility and concentration. It has also been found to be effective treatment for a wide range of medical conditions.
Massage Therapy has had a long history of use. earliest records of massage can be found in the ancient Egyptian records. The Greeks and others have seen the benefits of massage frequently throughout history. Sages in Eastern Europe regularly prescribed massage, acupuncture, hydrotherapy and many other techniques. In the late nineteenth century, Sothegas, a spa in the village of Askole, England, made spa treatments a legal contract. Today, massage therapy is considered a safe, effective, and a necessary way to help reduce suffering caused by many illnesses, congestion, pain, and discomfort. What is massage? The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines massage as a "rine of massage or Kissing." The practice is of applying pressure, or a combination of pressure and holding, to reduce pain, and bring relaxation to the practitioner as well as the person being treated. Massage means "to strike with the hand or the finger." The method of application for massage is designed to bring physical and mental well being and reduce pain. Whether you seek the help of a massage therapist or you offer paying clients, massage services offer many benefits. Massage, for example, may: Reduce stress, Improve circulation, Remove toxins from the body, Improve posture, possibly relieve fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and even can be a beneficial adjunct to treatment. There are a variety of different styles of massage. Acupressure, deep tissue, aromatherapy, reflexology, Swedish, Shiatsu, aromatherapy, hot stone, foot reflexology, Swedish major, and Swedish massage are just a few. Each style enhances the benefits of the other style. It is often difficult to know where to start when researching massage therapy. What helps massage routinely for an eager client? The answer: it depends on the massage. If an experienced, well-trained, and internationally trained massage therapist can help you revitalize and de-stress, than you might benefit from an all-over body massage. But, foot reflexology, for example, can be just the thing if you need renewed energy, mobility, and better sleep. Foot reflexology also has the added benefit of reducing the risk of mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Remember, if you work with others, be sure to get their blessing before you start working with them. They may be too tired or in a different state of mind to give you their full support. Before you embark on foot reflexology, a primary care physician or family doctor is the recommended first stop. If you want to be a good candidate for reflexology, consider taking the time to search for a qualified reflexology technician, either at your local gym or fitness club. What can you expect from a foot massage? First, you may feel a soothing sensation around your feet, particularly your heel. Then, with a light and gentle pressure, the therapist may apply a cream or oil extract. While this may sound unhealthy, the oil might help moisturize your feet before the massage begins. Another form of foot massage is the use of continuously moving water. The feet are soaked in water, sometimes with a bath ball, and other times not. As the water moves, the lymph and blood vessels are activated, which can also help eliminate blockages. As foot massage continues, the therapist may move particular muscles depending on your discomfort or pain. Some reflexologists will also use toe catching to reduce inflammation. For those who are most prone to injuries, this is a key massage, for some reducing stress in the nervous system is also beneficial. If you suffer chronic pain, however, you may want to try other forms of massage, for relaxation, to reduce stress, and to promote healing. Try soaking your feet in cold water, and then use ice packs, or even an ice bath, before going to bed. After the massage, apply petroleum jelly to the feet, or a moisturizing lotion or skin cream to your feet after a bath. This will help the healing process to your feet as well as help prevent future injuries. When you wake up, you may want to use a sock to get out the moisture that ran out from the night before. The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield Whether you seek the help of a massage therapist or you offer paying clients, massage services offer many benefits. Massage, for example, may: Reduce stress, Improve circulation, Remove toxins from the body, Improve posture, possibly relieve fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and even can be a beneficial adjunct to treatment. |