The History of MassageMassage therapy has a long history of help to the elderly, those with injuries, and those suffering from chronic pain. In general, massage is defined as the application of techniques on the body, triggered by an urge to relieve pain. The release, and explanation of tension in a muscle, which is often the cause of pain, is a major part of massage.
Techniques vary from one person to another, depending upon the amount of pressure and how one person feels. The release of built-up tension in a muscle during a massage is what a professional massage therapist mainly uses different massage techniques for. During a massage, the techniques can vary, and the touch can be felt throughout different areas of the body depending upon the massage position and pressure. The muscles are massaged in many different ways so that the body is relaxed and stress is reduced. Some massage techniques also use foot massage, where the feet are massaged by the therapist in rhythmic movements and position to stimulate blood flow and release muscle tension. Massage is a popular way to communicate and relax not only during the massage, but also after. Most people feel extremely relaxed after a massage and usually it sets off a euphoric state as well. In addition to the relaxation, there is also a relieving of the trauma and pain from the massage. Not only can massage be used to relieve pain, but it can also be used to help in the growth of a relationship and even help people reach their goals in life. Most people feel reenergized and revitalized after a massage and usually the subsequent warming sensation throughout the body also helps in the legislative effectiveness of a massage. The ancient art of massage was actually developed in the 5th century BC. This holistic massage is based upon the theories of physics and also dealt with the use of both the human body and mind to achieve health and comfort. Although it is considered as a branch of holistic massage, the true experts will say that it is definitely a part of it, because it is primarily concerned with the use of both the body and mind to achieve health. During a massage, the techniques used such as the sweeping, kneading, and scooping movements across the body as well as the use of principles such as theiptia, mindfulness, and hypnosis. Also, the use of specific hand oils such as aromatherapy, which has long been appreciated for its pain relieving and stress relieving properties. Over time, the touch sensitivity in the hands and feet has evolved and become more refined. Massage techniques then were developed based upon scientific study and clinical experience. Today, massage therapists are able to use this heightened sensitivity and skill to achieve therapeutic results. One of the established techniques combines relaxation and tension in a technique called ventionology. Another branch of the field is the mechanical massage which utilizes the muscle stimulation of mechanotherapy. It focuses on muscles compliance to prevent loss of function and pain. This can be achieved by using passive and active static stretches with various degrees of compression to achieve the utmost range of flexibility and range of motion. Another part of the field is the application of Molecyst therapy. This technique involves massaging the hands and feet to balance the musculoskeletal system and restore it to its natural state. This is achieved by using a series of pressure and friction exercises. Another part of the field is dedicated to treating sports injuries using a variety of massage techniques. Sports injuries might include sprains, strains, overuse issues, and other similar problems. The application of massage has been shown to be a good alternative in helping sports injuries recover. The strokes used during various techniques may differ, but each has a similar outcome in terms of restoring the body to optimum functioning as well as relieving the problem that is causing the problem. Aside from sports, a massage therapist can also use his or her hands to alleviate back pain resulting from a tremendous amount of physical stress, whether it comes from running or from carrying very heavy objects. Back pain can be surprisingly stubborn to treat and it is often the result of the body's inability to balance itself as the mechanics of the body become exhausted and the overall structure is thrown out of balance. Certain massage techniques may be able to relieve some back pain, but it will always be secondary. A massage therapist does not only provide relaxation. A good massage therapist can also provide pain relief or accelerate the movement of accumulated stress or toxins from the body. This is where the power of therapy and traditional massage techniques comes together for a more effective massage experience. The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield |