What exactly is massage?What exactly is massage? Massage originated in ancient times where the use of massage oils was allowed but today, massage is performed using certain techniques, various oils and instruments in a variety of places. Massage Therapy as we know it today grew out of "Masseology" which was the scientific discipline that was developed by Benzinger in the late 19th century tassology is the study of massage techniques based on scientific principles.
The word Massage, in a simplified version, is the application of techniques... sometimes called techniques of soft-tissue manipulation which are applied by the massage therapist to target motor points. These technique reduce muscular tension and may remove motor-related headaches, reduce pain of gout, sciatica and some athletic injuries. Massage Therapyis recommended by physicians for a variety of reasons: - full body massage improves posture - massaging the deep body organs assists in improved circulation - the deep body massage improves nerve function - massage increases vascular supply to the muscles - massage relieves muscular pain and fatigues The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield |