Why Massage Therapy?Massage therapy is a way of using massage as a way to help people relax. It helps to relieve stress by helping people to tune out some of the natural stimulus that normally occurs in the body, massage therapy also can help by improving blood circulation. It is a widely known fact that people with anxiety normally have circulation which is faster than that of average people, this is usually the case for those who also have panic attacks.
By stimulating the blood flow through the body, massage therapy is able to help reducing the level of anxiety that is felt. There are various benefits which can be gained from massage therapy, one of the most widely known is that it helps to detoxify the body. Whenever the lymphatic system is sluggish, it is able to drain a person of the energy that is needed to carry out their normal activities; however if this waste removal system is stimulated, then the lymphatic system can work properly which means that perspiration can be decreased and sweat can be decreased. The stimulation also helps to improve blood circulation. Once a person has been fully relaxed, the muscles are able to elongate and this is good for those who want to relax their tired muscles by stretching them. Furthermore massage therapy is also able to promote deep sleep which is good for those who have problem sleeping. Massage therapy has also been known to be able to help people who suffer from phobias; since the purpose of massage therapy is to release feelings of anxiety and stress, then getting polarity adjustments will allow a person to be able to relax both emotionally and physically which means they will be less stressed. Plus, this relaxation which is induced by the massaging of specific pressure points also can improve a person's circulation and open up the airways to improve breathing. Massage therapy is able to make use of all these various receptors in order to provide relief to a person. In essence, this means that massage therapy is able to provide relaxation, stress reduction as well as increase the oxygenation of the blood. In these aspects, massage therapy is also very similar to sleep therapy, as both are able to help a person sleep better and thus improve their mood and states of well-being. The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield |