Massage ExpectationsAs a human being, you are always pressed to fulfill countless obligations within a short time. You get up in the morning, prepare the kids to school, get the house in order, prepare for work and then hit the road in an attempt to beat the crazy traffic. By the time you get to the office, you are tired even before you begin executing your duties. To make it even worse, you still have responsibilities to take care of at home after 8 hours at the office. If this routine goes on without taking a break to take care of yourself, you may find yourself in a hospital due to stress-related complications.
Massage therapy is one of the best ways to unwind and get rid of your stress. It will bring you into rest and relax mode where you sit still and allow a professional to take care of the pains and the tired feeling in your body. If you have never been to a massage spa and do not know what happens, here is a list of what you should expect from your massage and the massage therapist: 1. You will be draped appropriately using a sheet or a towel and only the area getting massaged will be exposed. A lot of people are afraid to go to a massage because they are afraid of exposing their bodies to a stranger. This is not the case with massage as your entire body will remain covered except the area that the massage therapist will be working on. Before the massage begins, the massage therapist will leave the room and give you time to undress up to the point you are most comfortable and when coming back to the massage room, he will ask if you are ready. 2. You have a right to ask questions if you have any concerns or fears Before, during, and after the massage, you are free to ask for clarification on any part of the massage procedure you do not understand. The massage therapist will take time to give a professional answer and ensure that he addresses your concerns. 3. The massage therapist will explain the nature of your massage and the techniques he will be using during the massage. Even before the massage begins, the massage therapist will give you a preview of what will be happening during the massage. He will outline the techniques he will use during your massage and will not start until you are contented. You have a right to agree to a massage technique, approach, and the amount of pressure the massage therapist will use during the massage. If you feel that the pressure is too much, you have the right to ask for an adjustment or even a change or techniques the massage therapist is using. 4. Utmost respect, professionalism, and confidentiality When going for a massage, the massage therapist has an obligation to treat you with utmost respect. Whatever happens in the massage room is confidential and will in no way be a topic of discussion when you leave the spa. When the massage therapist is working on you, he will do it with utmost respect and professionalism. 5. The massage therapist will ask about your health and what you expect from your massage A professional massage therapist will ask about your health and any medications you may be taking before he begins the massage. If you suffer from a condition such as skin diseases or are taking medications that would lead to complications if the massage is carried out, he will advise you to postpone your massage until you get better. Though the massage therapist wants to earn money by massaging you, he will put your health first and offer advice that will not lead to further complications. It is only a quack massage therapist that will proceed with a massage if you are suffering from a condition that would be made worse by a massage. 6. You have a right to stop the massage if you feel that the massage therapist is behaving inappropriately When having your massage, it is your right to stop the massage any time you feel disrespected or that the massage therapist is behaving unprofessionally. In this case, you should ask the massage therapist to leave the room, get dressed, and report the issue to the relevant authorities at the spa. 7. You have the right to speak, remain quiet, or ask for your kind of music during the massage There are people that love total silence during the massage and others that feel better if they are engaged in a conversation during the massage. For others, they want to feel soft music in the background as the massage goes on. You have a right to ask for what works for you as this is your time and the massage therapist have to option but to play by your rules. What Does the Massage Therapist Expect from Me as a Client? 1. Utmost respect and courtesy Just like you would want to be respected and treated with dignity during the massage, you should do the same for the massage therapist. Even when you disagree with the massage technique or when the pressure is too much, talk to the massage therapist respectfully just like you would want him to treat you. 2. Honesty when disclosing your health status When you walk into the massage spa, you will be required to disclose if you suffer from any medical condition or are taking any medications. The massage therapist expects you to speak the truth as this will determine if the massage will proceed and the massage techniques he will use on you. 3. Arrive on time On the day of your massage, the massage therapist will inform you about the time you should get to the spa for your massage. You need to keep time as there are other clients as well who will be coming after you for their massage and you don’t want to inconvenience them. In all professional spas, the massage therapist will stop the massage at the time you had agreed so that he can take care of other clients. It is your duty to get there on time so that you can fully utilize your time at the spa. Check out our home page at: The Spa and Lash Studio Clearfield Ask about our discounted or Corporate Massage Program!